Boobs Deflated and I Want Them Full Again

I'thousand xxx and I have saggy, deflated boobs. The medical term for it is actually 'astringent ptosis'. There. I said it. The words 'deflated' and 'breasts' are ii words virtually women mostly don't desire to combine into a phrase to depict an aspect of themselves.

The funny thing about catastrophe upward with sagging breasts is that they tin often come up later on the occurrence of a positive life event for women. Y'all carry a kid for 9 months, and your breasts increment in size, due to a combination of hormonal changes and your milk-producing glands irresolute shape. And and so when information technology's all over, you will detect that your boobs have changed besides.

deflated boobs ballon

Your breasts volition also start to sag every bit you become older. Now, some people might say that equally a adult female, getting older is not a positive life upshot. Only if you consider the alternative, an untimely demise, I would prefer to recollect most growing older as a positive affair. Wisdom, confidence, and just a vast array of life experiences are role of the joys of getting older.

Then at that place's the sag that comes from weight loss. Maybe you decided to become up one twenty-four hours, and get-go on the path to getting healthier. As the number on the scale started to drop, you noticed that many parts of your trunk started to look smaller too. I mean, the weight had to come from somewhere.

The list doesn't stop at positive events of course. Other factors, similar gravity (and the size of your breasts), heredity (don't underestimate this one), and smoking besides affect the sagging of your breasts.

How I ended up with sagging breasts

In 2010, I decided plenty was plenty. I was 5'7, 24, and well on my way to being 300lbs. I also had big, heavy 38H breasts. Now, while they were nice and firm, and maybe the stuff that dreams are fabricated of (for some), they were also a massive burden. I wasn't exercising then, so I had weak back and cadre muscles, which resulted in back hurting, no thing what kind of bra I wore.

To make matters worse, at the time, I was living in Asia, and well, you can certainly imagine the level of attention a not-Asian adult female pushing 300lbs with massive boobs would attract. Suffice it to say, it wasn't the kind of attention that made me feel positively about myself.

Later a lot of hard piece of work (which is an entire article in itself), I managed to driblet a fair chip of the weight. The number on the calibration went downward, my energy and strength levels grew, and so did my conviction. I could store at the aforementioned shops equally my friends, in the SAME Section! I could go upwards v flights of stairs without feeling like I was going to pass out, and I stopped sweating equally much. It was great. All of it was great until I looked at myself in the mirror naked. Extra pare everywhere, and boobs that now drooped downwards, deflated, pendulous, like balloons forgotten long after a birthday party has ended.

How did all this make me feel?

Well, as much as I had gained back a lot of conviction and reduced my health issues, I now had a new problem that was affecting my self-esteem. It's a struggle. Once, I locked myself out of my apartment, and equally I waited for someone to come and open the door for me, I texted my friend nervously, "I'chiliad locked out without a bra!" Never mind the fact that dinner was cooking in the oven and I could practise nothing merely pray that I had ready the timer correctly, or that the super would come speedily, lest I burn my unit down. My business organisation was that people would run into me without a bra on, and a crisis would ensue.

This obviously is non the best mindset to have when thinking most your own torso, it'due south not sustainable, so I decided to run across if there was anything I could do try and sort out my problem. The results of my mission are listed beneath.

What can you do about deflated breasts?

Well, to empathise what your options are, it's probably best to look individually at all the forces that cause your breasts to sag.

The bigger your boobs, the larger the strain on your ligaments

In about of the torso, ligaments are a blazon of connective tissue that aid to hold joints together. The breasts have their ain prepare of ligaments, called Cooper's ligaments that create a supportive structure from your clavicle to your chest. This helps to requite your breast its shape, and helps it to maintain its position.

When your breasts increase in size, whether to due to overall weight gain, pregnancy-related weight proceeds or aging, this puts strain on these ligaments, and affects the ability for them to back up your breasts effectively. These ligaments also naturally weaken over time, as exercise all ligaments in your body.

Loss of volume

This reason is pretty straightforward. There's merely less tissue in your breasts than there was before. Depending on the state of affairs, this may be caused by the change in the size of your mammary glands if you are breastfeeding, to the loss of adipose tissue (fat) if you lose weight.

The finish outcome of both of these factors is that the peel that was enveloping this tissue had to abound to arrange your expanding breast. Even though the volume of your breasts may have decreased, the skin that encapsulates your breasts doesn't go away.

So what tin can I practice to fix these deflating boobs?

This isn't meant to be an exhaustive list of all the possible options offered up online to set sagging breasts, only a expect at the options that I considered.


The logic follows that if your ligaments are stretched, it'southward but a matter of un-stretching them. Surgeons can tighten ligaments in ankles and other joints, and then why not boobs? At present, there is no way to repair the loss of elasticity and firmness in the Cooper'southward ligaments.

The get-to surgical remedy for sagging, deflated breasts is a breast lift, or a mastopexy. It functions just how y'all might expect. Your extra skin is removed and your tissue is tightened to create a breast shape that properly supports your reduced corporeality of tissue.

I'g not getting surgery anytime soon for a number of reasons. It's expensive. The surgery solitary tin can cost around 5 grand in the United states of america if performed past a reputable surgeon, and that doesn't even include pre-op costs like testing, hospital costs, and all the other mail-op costs that you lot tin wait after a surgery.

The other thing is scarring. Now, depending on which blazon of chest shape you have and your situation, dissimilar types of incisions can exist suggested, so the results of the surgery might not necessarily yield a lot of scarring, but nonetheless this is an event that I think about.


I feel like the results of exercise go embellished, and it'due south like shooting fish in a barrel to sympathise why. It gives people promise, and it'south something y'all tin do admittedly for free, so why not? I'm an advocate of breast exercises, but it's really of import that y'all arrange your expectations.

Exercises that focus on building your pec muscles, such as bench pressing or push-ups will certainly assist to reshape the muscle underneath your chest. Yous may discover some change in the shape of your chest, depending on your beefcake. But delight don't expect to wake upwards one day after a year of doing push button-ups to much higher, perkier boobs than when you started, because that just ain't going to happen.

All this doesn't mean that y'all shouldn't do chest exercises. As I mentioned before, one of my problems before I lost the weight was back pain. While I focus on exercising my back and my trunk muscles, it's important to balance things out and too have stiff pecs. After vi years of Body Pump though, I tin safely say that this is not going to be your path to boobs that don't sag anymore, but information technology will improve your overall well-existence, which is a pretty skilful side effect.


Google 'diet for sagging breasts' and there are half a meg results. I take mixed feelings about the ideas touted on these pages. Once more, like the pages that suggest exercises to forbid drooping breasts, they tend to exaggerate the results of all their suggested solutions.

The reason I said I had mixed feelings about this suggestion is that eating the foods that they suggest, healthy plant-based oils similar coconut oil, or things high in anti-oxidants, are ways to increment your overall health and I'm all for that. Just don't expect targeted results, considering that'due south not going to happen.

Personally, the just thing I take that could be remotely boob-enhancing is gelatine. Again, it's like all the other foods suggested, it has great overall benefits for your body. I personally accept information technology because it contains glycine which is practiced for slumber, and collagen production which is dandy for pilus and nail growth, and maintaining skin elasticity.


I accept read some stuff online about women using tretinoin creams or Retin-A on their breasts. It's been used for years for the handling of acne and to reduce wrinkling on the face.

Tretinoin works by speeding up the renewal of your skin and over fourth dimension, it will thicken the layers of your skin. The logic is thickened skin = lower susceptibility to wrinkles.

I use tretinoin on my face, merely I'm non sure if I'm gear up to utilise it on my boobs just yet. Going back to those ii factors, it's definitely not going to assistance my ligaments, and it'southward not going make that actress peel disappear. It might thicken it a flake, and give it a smoother appearance. For some, that may make tretinoin worth information technology, but I'1000 holding off for now.

Other Stuff

I'grand merely going to call this section 'other stuff' because in that location'southward a whole load of crap out at that place. Miraculous pills, boob masks, water ice massages, chest massages, all promising to assistance cure deflated boobs. When assessing all of these so-called remedies, recollect of the two underlying reasons why your boobs are sagging: actress peel and stretched ligaments. If the remedy doesn't straight accost either of those things, call bullshit and move on.


I've even read marketing copy for bras that say that they volition reverse sagging, particularly push-up bras. At that place is no bra out in that location that will do that.

There is lots of anecdotal evidence well-nigh people recovering elasticity after wearing the correct bra for some fourth dimension. This is usually reported by women who have breastfed and then recovered elasticity after pregnancy. In some cases, this tin occur, just it probable has more to practise with genetics than information technology does the fit of a bra.

Regarding regaining elasticity through the utilise of properly-plumbing equipment bras and the magic of tissue migration, no evidence of this has ever been recorded in any kind of study with expert methodology and a large, varied sample size of women with big breasts. Take whatever studies you read on the topic with a grain of common salt. In short, there's no conclusive evidence that having a perfectly-plumbing fixtures bra will allow you to regain your breast elasticity.

What a good bra will do is requite yous lift and some practiced shaping while it's on. Wearing i 24 hours a day is not going to stop the sagging. Recall, if the solution isn't actively remedying the two underlying factors, it's probably non going to work.

That said, the topic of bras leads me to my next point, which is…

Prevention (minimization)

Again, with preventive measures, proceed those same two questions in heed: Will this touch on my breast book? Will this touch the strain on my ligaments?

I of the things y'all tin do is invest in a expert sports bra. When you practice, your breasts are moving upwards and down and side to side, and over fourth dimension, this puts strain on those ligaments. While wearing a sports bra isn't going to undo impairment that has already been washed, it can certainly help to reduce the stress on the ligaments, which is never a bad thing.

Wearing supportive bras during your day to day life is also good practice. The idea behind this is if you're putting less strain on your ligaments, yous can certainly slow the process of sag down. In that location is no firm evidence on the effectiveness of this, and the results will certainly vary when you lot consider all the factors that get into causing a breast to sag.

The other thing, and this is much harder to control, is to avoid weight fluctuation. This is not as cut and dry out as information technology sounds, because all sorts of things touch our weight, apart from the conscious diet decisions we make. Our heredity and hormones also play a factor in how our trunk regulates our weight, which in turn may touch on our boobs.

So are there any takeaways then?

Well, for me the biggest thing has just been a shift in my thinking. Sure, my boobs looked awesome in a sense back in 2010, but at what cost? I was not leading the kind of life a 24 yr old should be leading, and I would never want to go back to the shape I was in back then.

Buying bras that actually complemented my shape and lifted me has helped a ton. Most of usa spend the bulk of our days wearing clothes, then that aspect of my conviction is covered.

But what happens when it's just me and the mirror? Well, it'south notwithstanding a struggle. There's so many arcadian images out in that location nearly how an ideal western adult female should look, and for the near part, none of them look like me. I can't go back in fourth dimension and change this body, and at the moment, I'm non pinning my hopes on surgery.

What I can do now is develop other aspects of myself so that I don't fixate on the fact that my body does not wait a certain way. Now that I've got my body somewhat sorted out, I'm working on the rest. I effort to avoid media that constantly promotes a particular and unvaried beauty ideal. I've worked hard to surround myself with torso positive, supportive people and this has been a big assistance.

Developing skills and working on things that I'm adept at has proven to be a positive step too. The idea backside this is that in that location are many ways to measure your worth, and how you look does not need to be one of them.

There's no one-size-fits-all fix for everyone, merely I promise talking most this stuff volition lead to more people being comfortable with the idea of existence open up well-nigh it.


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